However, we noticed that MDA-MB-231 cells had been more susceptible to necrosis when PJ-34 and doxorubicin had been mixed than when the cells had been treated with only 1 of the two medications (Figs

However, we noticed that MDA-MB-231 cells had been more susceptible to necrosis when PJ-34 and doxorubicin had been mixed than when the cells had been treated with only 1 of the two medications (Figs. Components and Strategies) against Ets-1, H2AX, -Actin and p53.(TIF) pone.0055883.s003.tif (187K) GUID:?7D2F5261-68BF-4F5F-B416-A0BF9D94549B Amount S4: PARP-1 catalytic inhibition using ABT-888 leads to … Continue reading However, we noticed that MDA-MB-231 cells had been more susceptible to necrosis when PJ-34 and doxorubicin had been mixed than when the cells had been treated with only 1 of the two medications (Figs